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Security teams are overwhelmed with the number of threats they must surveil. Outdated and reactive monitoring has long been the struggle of the security industry from commercial to federal sectors. At Smarter Security, we have made it our mission to revolutionize the security industry from reactive threat detection to proactive risk-adaptive intelligence. Before threats occur, we aspire for security personnel to be alerted of suspicious activities based on intelligent data collection and custom set procedures, regardless of the complexity of a threat.

Smarter Security’s ReconaSense® is the first COTS Risk-Adaptive intelligent security framework that proactively detects risks and determines threat levels based on your organizational needs. ReconaSense is now FICAM Certified after achieving top performance scores. We are honored and excited to have received the coveted certification and look forward to the opportunity to better serve federal, state, and local sectors through our access and entrance control solutions. To assess the meaning and importance of FICAM certification, we asked our Director of Federal Solutions, Kevin Kolego, what this signifies for our government and commercial clientele.

1. What is the FICAM (Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management) certification?
The FICAM certification means that our technology meets the Federal government FICAM requirements, key military and commercial security guidelines, Federal directives, regulations, and disciplines. It allows a government agency to provide the proper individuals access to the right resources, at the right time, for the right reasons. Additionally, it aligns the assignment of permissions to the appropriate access control platform. FICAM is specifically tailored to the government, but many states and defense contractors adhere to the same requirements.

2. What does it mean for Smarter Security’s ReconaSense?
To work on federal government installations as an access control management platform, the first check box to accomplish is the FICAM certification. So, this opens a new market we can fully serve. Through our certification, a federal client can find what hardware we are compliant with. It also meets HSPD-12, FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) – 201 & 140-2, as well as ICD705, and UL1076.

3. How does this translate to the commercial sector?
Because it is held to a higher government standard, you know you will get an extremely secure product, as it is “military-grade” with FIPS 201 and 140-2 compliance. The process and testing requirements for FICAM certification are extremely robust and the most stringent in the security industry. As a commercial application, this means that our FICAM certified security platform is proven against the toughest requirements and specifications and would provide the highest level of security for a commercial entity.

4. What should our customers know about our FICAM certification?
Our FICAM certification was awarded with zero anomalies. This means we passed every single test, with no exceptions, no unknown faults, or technical anomalies that could show a security lapse in code or ability. We are extremely proud of this, for not only is it challenging to obtain, but also very rare. To demonstrate just how robust the ReconaSense software is, when CertiPath was conducting our FICAM certification testing, a fault was detected in the associated hardware. They utilized ReconaSense to identify the hardware issues, replicated the issue, and isolated the fault to a specific hardware application not associated with the ReconaSense software.

5. What was the most significant technical challenge you have encountered with FICAM certification, and what is next?
It was a long journey, as it took almost two years to be awarded the FICAM certification, but it is necessary to have on our software to compete as a government option for access control management. We are looking to partner with integrators with a large government presence seeking state-of-the-art, industry-first, risk adaptive, intelligent access control management platforms. Government and commercial end-users with a multitude of sensor and data inputs for their physical security apparatus would benefit from leveraging the ReconaSense technology for its ability to unify various data sources and meet the strict requirements for FICAM certification.

For more information about ReconaSense’s FICAM Certification, click here for our Federal Solutions brochure.

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Shana McCoy