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Knowledge is power when it comes to truly understanding the types of unauthorized access that occur and how to uniquely prevent each one. From succumbing to “politeness pressure” by holding the door for an assumed colleague or being so bold as to forge building credentials, the learned responses of your building occupants are key to preventing the dangers of unauthorized access.

Let’s begin by breaking down the 6 core types of unauthorized access, what each one looks like and measures that your employees, contractors and staff can take to contribute to a more security-focused environment.

  1. Tailgating
    Also commonly known as piggybacking, this is the most seemingly innocent type of unauthorized access where someone follows an authorized person without providing their credentials. The follower is the one at fault and often, the person being followed is unaware of the act taking place or is uncomfortable asking the follower to present their own credentials.
  2. Collusion
    A more intentional form tailgating, collusion is when individuals purposefully act to allow someone who otherwise wouldn’t gain access, in through a secured point. In this situation, the authorized person is at fault for intentionally bypassing the established security measures in order for an unauthorized person to gain access.
  3. Pushing, Crawling Under or Climbing Over
    Much like it sounds, the act of pushing, crawling under or climbing over security access points is one of the more aggressive types of unauthorized access that buildings and facilities encounter. With this approach, physical barriers into a building are breached and most often, intentionally so. The fault with this approach lies solely with the unauthorized individual looking to clear the barrier.
  4. Passbacks
    Passbacks can also be thought of as a “double-dipping” of credentials as they are passed from one user to the next. Presenting serious security and population counting concerns, passbacks are similar to tailgating and collusion as the intention of the person allowing the unauthorized access to happen generally does not have malicious activity in mind.
  5. Fraudulent Use of Cards
    Building access cards can pose similar problems to the use of keys, including the potential to be lost, stolen or shared. While access cards can identify users who swipe in at an access control reader, they can easily be duplicated and could leave an organization susceptible to fraudulent use. Today, a common trend is to pair photo identification with the access card, making reuse and theft more difficult.
  6. Door Propping
    Aligning closely with collusion, door propping is done with the intention of making access convenient to other building occupants without concern that negative consequences could occur. Technology can now easily detect when an unauthorized door has been set open for an abnormal length of time, reducing the frequency of when door propping occurs.

Address Unauthorized Access Tactics
In looking at preventative measures to address all of these unauthorized access types, continuous training around awareness and security procedures is beneficial. However, the most risk and potential for human error is eliminated through automated entrance control with technology such as Fastlane(R) turnstiles and Door Detectives.

Tackle Entrance Control with Smarter Security
Don’t settle for addressing a few unauthorized access types when you can address them all with optical turnstiles and advanced entrance control products from Smarter Security. Get to know the differences between the Fastlane turnstile and passgate products here, or learn how to increase security with the Door Detective.

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Shana McCoy