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Being able to monitor and control who can enter and access your facility is a foundational element of physical security. But as security threats have continued to become more sophisticated, it’s important to understand that entrance control and access control are in fact two very different components of your comprehensive security strategy.

Integrated Design Limited recently broke down the differences between these two security solutions. Let’s review what makes each unique and how you can ensure that your facility provides coverage for each area.

Access Control: The Act of Authenticating Users
Access control is a broad term used to describe the systems that identify users and authenticate their credentials; thereby deciding whether or not the bearer of those credentials is permitted admission to either a physical or logical asset. Both physical and logical access control is centered around regulating who or what can access restricted areas, but logical access control refers to restricting virtual access to data, digital resources and computer networks, whereas physical access control restricts actual pedestrian traffic to buildings, rooms and other tangible assets.

Entrance Control: Enforcing Access Control Policies
If access control verifies authorized personnel using their credentials – their face, fingerprints, PIN number, proximity card, etc. and decides whether or not they are permitted access, entrance control is the system which enforces that decision, by either opening to allow users to cross a threshold, or remaining closed to bar entry and potentially raising an alarm. Some entrance control systems, such as Fastlane® Clearstyle optical turnstiles don’t feature a physical barrier, however, so what happens in this instance?

While these turnstiles don’t physically block an unauthorized person from passing through, they do sound an alarm when someone fails to present valid credentials, alerting security personnel that a breach has occurred. With other security integrations, such as video solutions, facilities can capture video of any incidents, allowing security teams to identify users failing to abide by the defined access control policies and use this footage to decide on the level of response required. For example, it could be a member of staff in a hurry failing to show their card before passing through, in which case they can be reminded about the security protocol. Or, it could be an unidentified person who needs to be escorted from the premises.

How Entrance Control and Access Control Can Work Together
Access to a door can be controlled by combining an electronic lock and card reader but, as soon as the door is open, you no longer have control over who, or how many people, can pass through it, and in which direction they pass.  Door Detective® from Fastlane allows facilities to monitor the throughput of access-controlled doors, corridors and passageways while also enforcing the ‘one card, one person’ rule.

For fully robust security protocols, intelligent access control and entrance control solutions are now available. Intelligent access control systems, like ReconaSense®, actually make entrance control systems more intelligent. For example, they can identify if an employee has a pattern of allowing multiple entries (e.g. collusion) when their credential is approved. Similarly, intelligent entrance control solutions like Fastlane speedgates can detect and communicate side-by-side collusion to the access control system. So as you can see, the entrance control and access control are completely complementary, and that certain providers have raised the bar in terms of intelligence and critical security enhancements.

Start with Smart Entrance Control
Fastlane turnstiles can be integrated seamlessly with every known access control system Download our white paper to discover how smart entrance control can allow your facility to achieve the most suitable solution for your security requirements.

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Shana McCoy