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During these past several weeks and months, we’ve all experienced some unprecedented situations with COVID-19 that have left more questions than answers.

For families, the question might be, “How can I keep my family out of harm’s way?”

Businesses might ask, “How can I ensure employee safety while maintaining business continuity?”

And employees might wonder, “How can I stay productive at work while not compromising my health and the health of my coworkers?”

We all are pondering unique questions to unique situations, and these past few weeks our team has thought of countless ways we can help alleviate several of these concerns through risk-adaptive security technology. On the bright side, as scientists across the globe race for a cure to COVID-19, a societal shift from containment to proactive risk-prevention is on the horizon. More companies are looking to prevent risks within their organization from escalating, implementing security technologies like ReconaSense that automatically adjust permissions based on data and individual changes in behavior.

Let’s delve further into how we can help halt an infectious disease in its tracks at the office.

Sam walks through the company lobby turnstiles at the entrance of his company’s building, like any other day. Later that afternoon, Sam receives lab results and tests positive for COVID-19. What measures can Sam’s employer now take to prevent further infection, beyond just a simple forensic report pulled after the fact?

Both email and mobile notifications can automatically be sent to the rest of the company, based on Sam’s updated health status within the company’s physical access control system (PACS). Other colleagues who followed after Sam through the turnstiles that morning could automatically receive separate notifications to get tested or further screened. Access to video footage would further verify any additional chance encounters with Sam and potential spread of the virus. On top of that, GPS location tracking would send mobile notifications to those currently in close proximity to Sam, so they could immediately take measures to socially distance themselves. Sam could automatically be prevented from accessing areas within the building where larger groups of employees tend to hang out, like the office canteen, to avoid high-risk areas of infection. And, all of this would be set in motion in real-time and automatically, in response to the triggered update of Sam’s health status within the PACS.

To recap, these are just some of the automated responses that could be triggered from an infected individual’s health status to prevent further contagion:

  • Automated mobile and email notifications
  • Automated notifications and reporting activity surrounding the infected individual and other potentially exposed individuals
  • BOLO (Be On the Lookout) flags added to the individual’s access card and those identified to be in close proximity for further screening
  • Video footage of the high-risk event when incident occurs
  • Risk scoring adjustments
  • GPS location tracking and notifications to keep others on alert
  • Automatically removing access to high-risk areas

Employees are a company’s most valuable asset. We can make sure that we are taking every possible measure to maintain their health and happiness during their day-to-day activities with the help of risk-adaptive security technologies like ReconaSense. So next time risk strikes, we’re three, four, even five steps ahead of it.



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Clayton Brown