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In the wake of the pandemic, many office high-rises and other multi-level complexes share similar difficulties when it comes to maintaining and securing their facilities. With such high volumes of traffic coming and going, these difficulties can range from credentialing to rate of throughput, and now reducing contact points.To overcome these security challenges, many real estate developers are optimizing their entry and access control strategies by using turnstiles and unified 3rd party devices. This integrated strategy proved to be the ideal solution for the 51 story New York City office high-rise, 55 Hudson Yards. By combining Smarter Security’s Fastlane® Plus 400 MA model turnstile with IDEMIA’s MorphoWave® touchless 3D fingerprint advanced technology, 55 Hudson Yards’ developers were able to conquer their security obstacles while simultaneously protecting the health and safety of its visitors.


To better understand 55 Hudson Yards’ challenges and goals, we questioned Brad Stewart, Project Management Professional for Design and Construction at The Related Companies, L.P, real estate developer for 55 Hudson Yards. Here are the top 5 takeaways from that interview.

What prompted your investment in turnstiles and biometric technologies?
Entry control technologies have been a staple in building entrance control for many years, taking on forms that develop in direct correlation to, not only technological innovation but also aligned to the evolution of security threats. A staple in this solution is the turnstile, which provides the physical and psychological barrier between a controlled and uncontrolled perimeter. As part of the delivery of any building requiring it, the deployment of entry control is standard. However, Related chose to raise the bar at Hudson Yards and venture into the next generation of commercial access control.

What were your goals/objectives for the installation?
The main goal of the biometric entry control integration was to provide a seamless entry experience for the user while maintaining the same security assurance level and increasing it. The seamless concept not only includes on-site user experience but also through engagement during the enrollment and credential acquisition process. We have internally developed systems capable of enrolling personnel within the biometric control systems anywhere in the world before they arrive on site. When a user arrives on site, they approach the turnstile and use their pre-enrolled hand. The system and corresponding process results in two primary benefits: a high level of identity assurance with a quick, seamless technology process.

What helped you decide on Smarter Security’s Fastlane turnstiles?
Smarter security had developed a build out of the MorphoWave hardware into the base unit of the turnstiles, providing a convenient point of integration and field deployment. The engineered design afforded greater efficiencies in deployment and saved time and money, which would have been spent building a custom design from the ground up. This design efficiency allowed us to deploy an advanced biometric entry control system in a short time.

Watch Smarter Security’s touchless turnstiles solution video

How have the turnstiles and entrance controls strategy solved your challenges?
Hudson Yards is a development heavily focused on the convergence of technology systems for the betterment of user experience and increased operational efficiency of our buildings. The biometric system represents Related’s commitment to providing cutting edge technology to ensure the safety of our clients and to reduced inefficiencies associated with outdated operational concepts.

How will your new entrance control system help with getting people back to work following the COVID-19 lockdown?
Cleaning and sanitizing of common, high traffic touchpoints have become a new operating norm. The MorphoWave is a touchless system, which means that the system’s utilization requires no physical contact with it. Users enrolled in this system can take a small level of comfort, that when used properly, the MorphoWave will reduce at least one potential point of contact in their daily routine.

Touchless Entry Defines Security at 55 Hudson Yards
With over a thousand visitors ushered through the doors at 55 Hudson Yards a day, it was imperative to provide a seamless entry experience for the user while increasing security assurance. Read more about how 55 Hudson Yards overcame their challenges and advanced their security and safety protocols forward with Fastlane turnstiles from Smarter Security.

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Shana McCoy