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It’s been some time since we’ve recognized one of the many team members that make Smarter Security one of the industry’s premier entrance control solution providers. To kick off our spotlight series in 2020, we’re showcasing John Cocking, Smarter Security’s National Sales Manager. 

Currently standing at 13 glorious years with the Smarter Security team and holding the title of the longest-tenured employee, John supports all sales and implementation efforts nationwide from inquiry through execution. We had the chance to connect with John to get some of the highlights from over the last decade.

5 Things to Know About John Cocking

  1. What does a day in the life of John look like?
    Non-stop conversation about all aspects of physical security and providing the best solution for our clients and partners. Much of the discussion revolves around developing a robust entrance control strategy that’s unique and adapted specifically for clients and their end users. I also have a region that I am accountable for growing on top of working with my team of regional managers to strategize and build their respective regions. The best way to describe my role every day is that of a “player-coach”. 
  2. What is the biggest technical challenge you’ve encountered?
    While there have been significant technical challenges that have presented themselves to a variety of different degrees over the years, the continuous problem that arises no matter what is trying to help people understand the technical superiority of the Fastlane® turnstile product. When organizations are investing in turnstiles, it can be tempting to take shortcuts, especially when it means saving money in the short term. What I’ve been able to demonstrate to our clients is that when you invest in a technically superior product like Fastlane turnstiles, you’re making a better long-term investment that you only have to make one time. 
  3. What has been the most memorable solution you’ve worked on?
    With the emergence of new integrations coming on the market now, some of the most memorable solutions I’ve worked on are the ones that we are creating in the energy sector. The requirements that our clients bring to us are the most stringent that they have ever been, but our team has been able to not only meet but exceed them with innovative solutions that are currently being refined with real-world deployment and feedback.
  4. If you had to give one piece of advice to an end user, architect or integrator, what would it be?
    Work with your team to prepare a real-world ROI calculation for the lifecycle of your turnstile. We find that many clients just consider what the upfront purchase cost will be, not considering maintenance, wear and tear, future security initiatives and integrations, and the ROI gets dramatically reduced. Your entrance control security partner, like Smarter Security, is to help optimize your ROI, which extends far beyond just the initial purchase.
  5. When you’re not helping our customers create robust entrance control solutions, what are your favorite things to do and places to go?
    When I’m not the player-coach with my work team, I’m playing the same role with my family. With my two kids, our calendar stays quite full with school and 4H activities. We live in the country, so I also enjoy spending time with my family hunting, fishing or sneaking away for the occasional round of golf.

Smarter Security is proud to have the most highly-respected and talented team members, like John, in the industry. Subscribe to our blog to learn more about our diverse team of experts and stay up-to-date on the latest trends across entrance control and physical security.

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Shana McCoy