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Today begins the 48 hour rush of all things connected security at the ISC East Conference & Exhibition taking place in New York City. Like its sister event ISC West, which took place in Las Vegas earlier this year, ISC East equally focuses on the latest security and public safety innovation and education for more than 7,000 professionals in the Northeast area. 

But like all trade shows, the number of things to see and do can be overwhelming if you haven’t thought about the event ahead of time. Across the next two days, our team has three “can’t miss” moments from the event that you should absolutely make time for in your agenda. 

Session Knowledge is Power
Advancements in technology happen every day. Therefore, education on new innovations and how they apply to our roles as security practitioners is crucial to our success. Furthering your security knowledge comes in many shapes and formats at ISC East. There are over 30 sessions covering a wide spectrum of topics from every facet of the security industry including cybersecurity, intelligent physical security, IoT and beyond as well as hands-on workshops to make learning more practical. The most valuable asset to these educational opportunities is the ability to earn continuing education credits like AEU, CPE and CPD to further your professional development.

Come Prepared with Your Questions
Chances are, you probably have a consistent blinking light on your voicemail inbox or a never ending stream of requests to set up a meeting to discuss your technology needs. Gathering at ISC East gives you the opportunity to bring the key projects that are important to you and your team to the table and ask questions directly to vendors and providers who are also in attendance to get an answer without an endless game of phone tag. Not to mention, seeing the technology first-hand can help you understand functionality and features more clearly than any conference call will be able to. 

Discover Smarter Entrance Control
The Smarter Security team understands the critical role that robust entrance controls play in an overall physical security strategy. With that in mind, our team has set up a hands-on demonstration of Fastlane® optional turnstiles and Door Detectives® at booth #525. Beyond a superior end-user experience, Smarter Security integrates with more third-party technologies than other turnstile providers, extending the security reach and protection from your lobby throughout the building. Extending physical security should also be mindful of access control technologies, like ReconaSense which can be discovered next door in booth #524.

Make Every Entrance Smarter
Seeing is believing. If boosting your physical security posture is a priority for you to discuss during ISC East, book a meeting with a member of the Smarter Security team at a time that’s convenient for you.

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Shana McCoy