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When making an investment in your physical security strategy, one of the most important components to consider are the actual team members you’ll be working with from your selected partner. Whether you’re evaluating Fastlane® optical turnstiles from Smarter Security or have been a valued client for decades, here is an opportunity to meet some of the hard-working team behind the turnstiles.

This week get to know Raywyn Bryce, one of Smarter Security’s technical support representatives. Known to clients and colleagues as Ray, her contributions were recently recognized as she was honored with the Women in Tech award by Johnson Controls International at ISC West in Las Vegas.

5 Things to Know about Raywyn Bryce

1. What does a “day in the life” of Raywyn look like?
Each day always holds a different adventure, but some things remain constant. I will often spend much of the day communicating with our integrators, following up on support cases via phone and email, then RMA testing and review. When I’m in the office, I am notorious for making tea that I never drink because I get sidetracked either chatting with coworkers or integrators. I literally have the same cup of tea all day.

2. What is the biggest technical challenge you’ve encountered?
Overall, having to guide an on-site tech through a procedure they’re not familiar with over the phone. One of the things I have to keep in mind is that while an integrator is familiar with turnstiles, they often focus on the more broad security umbrella. The core challenge is asking our fellow integrator techs to switch gears from what they may be used to and “speak turnstile.”

3. What is your favorite implementation you’ve ever worked on?
Our installation at a large media company. It is the only physical install that I’ve been able to work on from beginning to end. We had the ability to tear out another substandard turnstile product and upgrade it to Fastlane turnstiles. The result was not only a satisfied customer, but an overall stronger security protocol.  

4. If you had to give one piece of advice to an end user, architect or integrator, what would it be?
Tech support teams don’t just answer calls when something goes wrong. Make your techs a partner in the installation planning process. By doing this, you’ll be able to minimize install delays by having upfront conversations about wiring, lobby spatial concerns and beyond. Many of us have field experience that we can draw from to help apply best practices and learnings.

5. When you’re not creating turnstile magic, what are the things that keep you busy?
Spending time with my kids. Sometimes, work can be all-consuming so when I’m not with my kids, I make a point to connect with friends over dinner and drinks. I’m also very fortunate that my job allows me to visit some very cool places around the world. My favorite place to visit is the Monterey Bay peninsula since I also have family there.

Smarter Security is proud to have the most highly respected and talented team members, like Raywyn, in the industry. Subscribe to our blog to learn more about our diverse team of experts and stay up-to-date on the latest trends across entrance control and physical security.

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Shana McCoy