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Data Centers have the important responsibility to secure vast amounts of sensitive data. With the increasing sophistication of security threats, ensuring the integrity of these facilities is crucial. Effective safeguards can’t end at cyber protection alone; a comprehensive approach employs layered defenses to address all potential vulnerabilities from every angle. Physical security is necessary to secure what is considered the “gold” of our generation, digital assets. With insider threats, bad actors, social engineering, or unrealizing employees, human error can be the downfall of your security system and bring irreparable damage. Anti-tailgating keeps the right people in and wrong people out. As we take action today in bringing awareness to essential anti-tailgating protection, we are able to create safer security environments for tomorrow.

1. Prevent Data Breaches: Physical Security Compromise is ranked 5th Most Popular avenue of Data Breach
This ranking comes at a higher percentage than business email compromise, malicious insider, social engineering, system error, and accidental loss of data or device. In fact, a whopping 10% of malicious data breaches involve a physical security breach (IBM 2023). Unauthorized access to data centers can lead to devastation, resulting in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

2. Protect Sensitive Data: 36% of CSOs report ‘leaking of sensitive information’ to be the biggest internal threat in 2024
Data centers store vast amounts of valuable and sensitive information, including financial records, personal data, and proprietary business information. Preventing unauthorized access through anti-tailgating solutions helps safeguard this data from theft or tampering. Often, attackers find the access they need within physical facilities rather than solely relying on digital means for their assault.

3. Protect Intellectual Property: Intellectual property is a prime target for attackers of every type, costing the US economy $225B – $600B annually
With the world turning to digital and AI means for production, data is the new gold, as Matthew McConaughey pens in a new Salesforce campaign. As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven insights to inform decision-making and drive innovation, the value of data has skyrocketed, making it a prime target for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or competitive advantage. Protection has become a fundamental necessity for ensuring the resilience and longevity of businesses and society at large.

4. Maintain Regulatory Compliance: $14.8M is the Average Global Cost of Non-Compliance (Ponemon)
Data centers are subject to various regulations and compliance standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, which mandate strict controls over access to sensitive information. Implementing anti-tailgating solutions helps meet these requirements by ensuring only authorized personnel can access restricted areas.

5. Enhancing Physical Security: 29% of Information Security Practitioners experienced a Physical Breach in the past year (PWS Global Stat Survey)
Data centers house critical IT infrastructure and equipment, making them attractive targets for physical attacks and theft. Anti-tailgating solutions bolster physical security measures by preventing unauthorized individuals from gaining entry, thereby reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, or sabotage. Tailgating and Piggybacking is the leading cause of access control system failure, with 61% of security practitioners experiencing this exact outcome, followed by 50% from Door Propping, and 32% from deliberate staff attempts to circumvent procedures.

6. Mitigating Insider Threats: 34% of reported Data Breaches Involve Internal Actors (Verizon 2021)
Insider threats, whether malicious or unintentional, pose a significant risk to data security. 22% of insider attacks involved the theft of intellectual property (Cybersecurity Insiders 2021). Anti-tailgating solutions help mitigate insider threats by preventing unauthorized employees or contractors from accessing restricted areas where they could potentially cause harm. With the average cost of an insider-related incident involving intellectual property theft soaring to $11.45 million in North America, organizations are confronted with the urgent necessity of strengthening their defenses against insider threats. Addressing this challenge demands a comprehensive approach that combines digital and physical security protocols, robust monitoring, and ongoing employee education to mitigate the risk of intellectual property theft and its accompanying financial repercussions.

7. Ensuring Business Continuity: Downtime Costs $300,000+ per Hour for most Mid-Sized and Large Enterprises
Another consequence of a breach that is often unrealized is the amount of downtime and disruption a business faces in the aftermath. In order to maintain efficiency in operations, organizations must prevent disruptions to their staff and resources. Aside from the initial shock and stolen information, the clean up to re-secure the business is a costly headache of its own. Unauthorized access to data center facilities can disrupt operations and compromise service availability, leading to downtime and financial losses. By implementing anti-tailgating solutions, data centers can minimize the risk of unauthorized entry and maintain uninterrupted service delivery.

8. Improving Operational Efficiency: Human error plays some role in 66% to 80% of all outages (Uptime)
According to Uptime’s estimate based on 25 years of data, human error continues to rank among the leading causes of downtime and system failures despite advancements in technology. Unauthorized individuals gaining access to data center facilities can disrupt operations, create bottlenecks, and hinder productivity. Anti-tailgating solutions ensure entry points are secured despite human flaws with a system in place to identify and mitigate violations.

9. Enhancing Audit Trails and Accountability: 32% of Access Control System Failure caused by Deliberate Staff Attempts to Circumvent Procedures (ASIS)
Anti-tailgating solutions provide accurate and reliable access logs, enabling data centers to track and monitor entry and exit activities in real-time. Not only does this encourage accountability among company culture, but also streamlines investigation in the event that a security incident must be reviewed. Investing in robust security solutions leads to the betterment of the entire organization. Businesses can take a proactive approach that not only safeguards, but also shows the organizations dedication to prioritizing the safety of stakeholders.

10. Demonstrating Commitment to Security: 25% drop in corporate value following an external or internal security incident during the past 12 months
In an era where trust and credibility are pillars to facilitating business, the reputation of a company and safety of its customers, staff, and clients alike must be protected. Every interaction, whether digital or physical, carries the weight of preserving trust and upholding integrity. Maintaining a sterling reputation is not just a goal but a necessity for survival. Businesses must prioritize transparency, accountability, and robust security measures to foster a culture of trust, ensuring that stakeholders can confidently engage with the organization knowing their safety and data privacy are paramount concerns.

This article was reviewed for accuracy by Executive VP of Smarter Security, Clayton Brown

Clayton Brown serves as Executive Vice President at Smarter Security, the leading provider of hand-crafted optical turnstiles, and is a co-founder of ReconaSense, the only FICAM-certified risk-adaptive physical access control solution (RAdPACS) using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. As a member of SIA’s Government Relations Committee and Data Privacy Board, Clayton proudly represents a next-generation of practitioners dedicated to bringing data-driven ideas to existing physical security challenges.

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Jennifer Spall Digital Marketing Coordinator
Jennifer Spall is a multidisciplinary digital strategist with combined experience in technology, marketing, and design. She has succeeded in various positions scoring top metrics and solving complex challenges through innovative approach. With intention behind her work, Spall's mission is to be a positive change maker to the industries she serves.