Door Detective acts as a touchless “virtual security guard” that helps secure all critical interior doors and secondary exterior doors. It detects tailgating attempts, intentional or accidental when someone holds a door open for someone behind them. Door Detective also detects direction violations where someone tries to proceed in an unauthorized direction. With multiple models to choose from, a Door Detective is a cost-efficient way to minimize risk by extending security to interior areas.
Stop Tailgating with Smart Entry Control Solutions
Tailgating doesn’t stop at your lobby, and neither does our technology.
Door Detective
Ideal for:
- Contact Tracing
- Asset Protection
- Emergency Mustering
- Server Cages
- Security Closets
- Research Laboratories
- Corporate Headquarters
- Social Distancing
- Insider Threat Investigations
- HIPAA Privacy Compliance
- Military Procedures
- Passive Request to Exit Policies
- Real Estate Operations Analysis
- Executive Protection
Fastlane turnstiles and gates secure many of the world’s most iconic buildings. Explore the possibilities.