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Famed for being the longest multilevel street in downtown Chicago, Wacker Drive’s upper-level riverfront boulevard is home to some of the most iconic high-rise buildings in downtown Chicago including 111 South Wacker Drive and the Willis Tower.

It is here on Wacker Drive, where a new 31-story high-rise was looking to streamline their security staff operations. With over 2,500 tenants and 200+ daily visitors, selecting the right entrance control strategy that would allow for a high speed of entry was a critical factor in them choosing the Fastlane Glassgate 200 to authenticate tenants and visitors. This decision resulted not only in a faster throughput but after 5 years a 262% return on their investment.

Security Yields ROI

Initial Investment $215,000
Early annual savings $130,000
Months to payback 20
Five-year savings $779,000

To meet entrance control demands the high-rise management had to maintain a security staff of at least seven on duty during peak hours of the day. Security officers were stationed at elevator bays to monitor tenants scanning badges, while desk staff handled visitors. This method of security proved ineffective at times, allowing a significant risk of unauthorized entry causing vandalism and theft, and was a considerable expense in the facilities budget.

Three lanes of Fastlane Glassgate 200 turnstiles were installed at both elevator bays reducing the need for security guards stationed at either bay. Now only three security officers stationed at the security desk automate the entire entry process. Integrated barcode/proximity readers authenticate tenants and visitors providing a faster, more accurate flow of people into the building.

Higher Security at a Lower Cost
Fastlane turnstiles greatly improved security for this high-rise and tenants loved the upgrade. These benefits came from a strategic investment that was paid back in only 20 months, delivering a significant return on investment of 262% after five years.

Return on Investment after 5 years

*Savings are strictly from the reduction in security officers. Other possible financial gains not factored in include reduced theft and vandalism, higher lease rates, higher occupancy, and lower insurance premiums.

About Smarter Security, Inc.

Smarter Security provides premium and innovative entrance control solutions to help organizations protect their people and assets in a world of ever-present threats. Since 1992, Smarter Security has offered Fastlane turnstiles, the most elegant and intelligent optical turnstiles available, which protect 50% of the Fortune 100, and thousands of commercial and government lobbies on six continents, including many of the world’s most iconic buildings. For more information, please visit

Customer Profile

• Wacker Drive

• Downtown Chicago, Illinois

• Fastlane® Glassgate 200