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As we turn the corner into 2019, many organizations are looking to get smarter about security. While cybersecurity and data protection often get all the headlines, organizations would be wise to consider a more intelligent approach right at their front door.

We’re talking about entrance control, naturally enough. The smartest entrance control solutions are better than ever at helping your organization understand and control who can gain access to your facility — and keeping the bad actors out.

But there’s more to intelligent entrance control than just the ins and outs:

  • Incorporating cutting-edge technologies to enhance your physical and data security — including biometric scanners, firearm detectors, metal detectors and more.
  • Addressing social-engineering challenges such as the politeness pressure that leads to tailgating at secured doors.
  • Gaining efficiency measures that enable security at the same time.
  • Delivering more business value and better total cost of ownership with the right secure entrance solutions.
  • Balancing aesthetics and security so that your lobby and other public-facing areas deliver a great first impression while minimizing risk.

We’re planning an expansive editorial calendar for 2019 in our new Smarter Security blog, designed to serve as a helpful information resource for security integrators, consultants, architects and engineers who want the most secure, high-performing entry points for today’s modern buildings. Look for a regular cadence of articles on entrance control in high rise, education, health care, financial, government and other environments. We’re also planning articles on product and design trends, industry events and tips from security and interior design experts. Finally, we’ll take a closer look at the deeper “people factors” that affect security and how to successfully keep your organization secure while making staff and visitors feel welcome and empowered.

Stay tuned to learn everything you need to know for more intelligent, effective and impressive entrance control solutions including our Fastlane Turnstiles. Be sure and subscribe to receive our blog updates in your Inbox and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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Shana McCoy